TCSL Fives

8U play dates to better prepare players for 9U


Teams should expect to play 2 matches within a 2 or 3 hour block. Times will be generally in the 1-7PM range. Dates/locations subject to change.

DateLocationScheduleField Map
Dec. 15Braemar DomeClick Here for ScheduleBraemar Dome Field Map
Jan. 11Academy of Holy Angels South DomeClick Here for ScheduleAHA Field Map
Feb. 1Maple Grove DomeClick Here for ScheduleMaple Grove Dome Field Map
March 1Academy of Holy Angels South DomeClick Here for ScheduleAHA Field Map


Teams should expect to play 2 matches within a 2 or 3 hour block. Times will be generally in the 1-7PM range. Dates/locations subject to change.

May 11Polar Lakes Park (White Bear Lake)
May 18North: Chippewa Middle School (Shoreview)
South: Flying Cloud Fields (Eden Prairie)
June 8North: Polar Lakes Park (White Bear Lake)
South: Lakefront Park (Prior Lake)
June 15North: Chippewa Middle School (Shoreview)
South: Lakefront Park (Prior Lake)
June 28at 2025 TCSL Summer Festival, Presented by TRIA

TCSL Fives – The Why

Provide fun, energetic, introductory program for these crucial ages.
  • “Match Day” Format
  • All games will be played 5v5 – 4 field players + Goalkeeper
  • 2×20 minute halves
  • Each team plays two (2) matches
  • Matches completed within 2-hour window as much as possible to make this program family centric
Retain players at 9U that are better prepared with a better developed skillset.

Size 3 ball size.

Restarts per Laws of the Game (throw-ins, corner kicks, etc.).

Build-out line in effect (use midfield).

No offside.

All free kicks are “direct”.

No punting

No heading.

8U soccer should be its own brand and should not be a mini-version of older-aged soccer.

Support clubs by having a standards-driven experience for these young players.

Referee mentoring and development opportunities for first-year or second-year referees.

Numbers & Field Size

Existing Footprint – 2x 7v7 fields

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