(March 1, 2025 deadline)
The U.S. Soccer C License hosted by TCSL is an online and in-person course. This blended format combines an online experience, assignments, small group meetings, independent learning, and in-person meeting.
80+ hours (virtual & in-person meetings)
Course Duration: Four months (Including summative assessment) with four in-person days
Assessment: Formative Assessments (course assignments during the course)
Summative Assessment: (Final projects at the end of the course)
To register for the U.S. Soccer C course, students must meet the following prerequisites:
Optional Pre-course Meeting: Must be registered to attend. Meeting held five (5) weeks prior to the official start of the course
Schedule: The final meeting dates and times will be announced at least three weeks prior to the course start. During the pre-course meeting, each educator group will establish its own meeting times
Dates: (Including the Optional Pre-course Meeting) February 3-June 30, 2025
In-person dates: April 24, 2025-April 27, 2025 (Maple Grove, Minn.)
Student Coaches can expect a full day of learning on these dates.
All classroom locations held at Maple Grove Community Center.
All field sessions held at Fernbrook Fields.
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