TCSL Fives

8U play dates to better prepare players for 9U


Teams should expect to play 2 matches within a 2 or 3 hour block. Times will be generally in the 1-7PM range. Dates/locations subject to change.

DateLocationScheduleField Map(s)
May 11Polar Lakes Park (White Bear Lake)
May 18North: Chippewa Middle School (Shoreview)
South: Flying Cloud Fields (Eden Prairie)
June 8North: Polar Lakes Park (White Bear Lake)
South: Lakefront Park (Prior Lake)
June 15North: Chippewa Middle School (Shoreview)
South: Lakefront Park (Prior Lake)
June 28at 2025 TCSL Summer Festival, Presented by TRIA

TCSL Fives – The Why

Provide fun, energetic, introductory program for these crucial ages.
  • “Match Day” Format
  • All games will be played 5v5 – 4 field players + Goalkeeper
  • 2×20 minute halves
  • Each team plays two (2) matches
  • Matches completed within 2-hour window as much as possible to make this program family centric
Retain players at 9U that are better prepared with a better developed skillset.

Size 3 ball size.

Restarts per Laws of the Game (throw-ins, corner kicks, etc.).

Build-out line in effect (use midfield).

No offside.

All free kicks are “direct”.

No punting

No heading.

8U soccer should be its own brand and should not be a mini-version of older-aged soccer.

Support clubs by having a standards-driven experience for these young players.

Referee mentoring and development opportunities for first-year or second-year referees.

Numbers & Field Size

Existing Footprint – 2x 7v7 fields

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Youth (13+) and Adults!

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Re-Certifying Referee Steps

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